Friday, 28 April 2017

Ultimate Book Report
Due Friday Wk8, Term 2

Specific Learning Intentions:
To demonstrate your depth of thinking and level of understanding of a novel of your choice
To use the strategies learnt at Reading time purposefully
2 paragraphs
Include the main idea, only include important ideas, use keywords and your own words, use questioning strategies
Leave out unimportant details, no opinion
1. Consider all the main characters and provide evidence:
Protagonist: central or main character in the story
Antagonist: force that opposes the central character
Static: a character that does not change significantly
Dynamic: a character that changes significantly
Round: a complicated character that has many sides and emotions
Flat: a simple character that demonstrates few traits

2. Choose 2 characters. Illustrate them, surround them with character traits that describe their specific characteristics and provide evidence from the novel to support each trait (an example of my expectations is in the classroom)
Point of View
Identify the narrator’s point of view - does it vary between chapters
Provide evidence to support your opinion in the form of examples or quotes.
Identify the different types of irony used within the novel (at least 10 different examples). Provide detailed evidence.
Figurative Language
Find at least 20 examples of figurative language:
simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery
State the language feature, along with the example from the novel.
Success Criteria:
  • Complete a term’s worth of work (this is not something that will be able to be completed in a week at the end of the term)
  • Read the novel completely before beginning the task
  • Take notes during reading
  • Collate evidence of each strategy during reading (including chapters and page numbers as reference)
  • Complete the summary, characterisation, point of view and irony tasks by following the brief and providing detailed evidence
Your Ultimate Book Report must be clearly labelled with your name, and the name and author of your novel
You can type or handwrite your report. It must be legible and well presented
Consider the use of tables for order and neatness
This is a written and oral presentation. I will mark your reports from Friday Wk8 and you will be presenting them to the class during Wk9. You will be marked on both the written and oral part of your presentation.

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