
Week 3, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Capturing memories - complete 2 pieces of writing ready to hand in next Monday

Reading P/L

Maths P/L

Digital Licence - continue working on gaining your licence if you haven't yet

Biggest Reader

Week 2, Term 4
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Writing (complete Tuesday night) - write the introduction for your essay, ready to peer-assess on Wednesday afternoon

Reading P/L

Digital Licence - continue working on gaining your licence if you haven't yet

Capturing memories - complete 2 pieces of writing ready to hand in next Monday

Week 1, Term 4
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Read Mother to Son by Langston Hughes

Complete a literal meaning chart, an inferential meaning chart, and complete an analysis question sheet. These need to be typed up and ready to share on Friday morning (they do not need to be printed).

Continue working on your Reading Strategy tasks.

All digital tasks need to be completed by Maths time on Thursday.
IXL (10 of each)
Y.2 Interpret line plots
Y.7 Interpret histograms
Y.8 Create histograms (if you have to draw them only do 5)

Digital Licence - continue working on gaining your licence if you haven't yet

Capturing memories:
Free writing to be done at least 4 times every week (this will also include the weekend). I will check them every Monday and hand them back on Tuesday morning. It can be any form of writing that you choose - diary, journal, nonfiction, narratives, short stories. There needs to be evidence of thought, learning from the year, and variation. You will need to date each addition as evidence of your 4 times writing each week. This is to be hand written so you will not need access to a device.

Week 9, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Daily reflection:
Complete a reflection every night outlining what you've learnt each day during Specialty Week. Reflect in depth - please do not write a list about what you did, focus on new learning.

Please work on your Measurement Rich Task. They will need to be finished on Wednesday 27 September so that we can share and peer-assess on Thursday 28 September.

Maths: IXL 
Y.14 Interpret box-and-whisker plots
Y.4 Interpret stem-and-leaf plots
Y.12 Interpret line graphs          
Z.1 Calculate mean, median, mode and range

Digital Licence: Complete one task

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Week 7, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Calendar Art: Continue task due Wednesday 13th September

Novels: All completed novels to be shared with me by Thursday morning

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time. 

Digital Licence: Complete one task

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Descriptive Writing Task - None of you handed your books to me last week. I want to see them this Friday please - absolutely no exceptions.
Jack, Elardus, Josh, Henry please work through these tasks over the term to develop your descriptive writing skills. Do them in the back of your homework book please.

Week 6, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Calendar Art: Continue task due Wednesday 13th September

Novel: Use your new learning to add improved dialogue to your novel. Also, finish your novel with an effective ending. Refer back to our previous writing on endings and choose one of these for your writing. Highlight the new dialogue and the effective ending so I can find them easily. Share with me on Friday morning please. Please don't share with me beforehand because I'd like to work on it throughout the week.
Jacqueline and Kieran - type up a piece of writing to share with me so we can include your work in our published novel.

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time. Most especially - The Tell Tale Heart work, and work you are doing for your Maths Rich Task.

Digital Licence: Complete one task

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Descriptive Writing Task - On Friday, show me all the tasks you have completed so far please.
Jack, Elardus, Josh, Henry please work through these tasks over the term to develop your descriptive writing skills. Do them in the back of your homework book please.

Week 5, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Inquiry: Choose one island from the Pacific that you have not yet studied this term with Miss Kyee. Create a poster demonstrating how you would sustain the culture of the island. Share your knowledge of their culture as well (this will be evidence of your level of research). Everything must be hand drawn and written in your own handwriting. Consider an equal balance of images and words. Remember this needs to be presented at a Year 8 level please.

IXL Maths: Complete 10 of each. Clearly write the title of each task, and show all your working. Mark all your work.
Year 8 > O.1 Estimate metric measurements
Year 9 > L.2 Metric mixed units
Year 9 > T.9 Surface area of cylinders

Year 9 > 

T.4 Area and perimeter: word problems

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time. 
Calendar Art: Continue task due Wednesday 13th September

Digital Licence: Complete one task

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Descriptive Writing Task - on main page of the blog
Jack, Elardus, Josh, Henry please work through these tasks over the term to develop your descriptive writing skills. Do them in the back of your homework book please.

Week 4, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Writing: Number 13 Vocabulary - completed for Writing time on Tuesday

Calendar Art:
Year 7&8 Digital Calendar Art Assignment
You are required to create your own piece of digital artwork that can be printed on calendars and diaries for next year.
  • Rather than create the digital artwork at school, it is your homework assignment.
  • The classroom computers will be available between 8:30 and 8:50 if needed.
  • You can use images of friends only if your image portrays them in a positive way. If in doubt, don’t use the image.
  • Image editing websites are constantly changing, if you google “online image editor” you will get a place to start. Alternatively, use a computer programme or app you already have.
  • Share good websites with the class.
  • Resizing images can be difficult. Have a go at googling image resizing for ideas.
  • If you want to use a piece of art for your digital picture I will take a photo of the completed piece for you
  • Please double check the sizing

Due Date:  Image to be handed in by Wednesday 13th September
Assignment Success Criteria (Must hand in, named)
Image is saved in .jpg format  

Image is between 700kb and 2.5mb in size

Is not offensive to any person, place or thing

Digital Licence: Complete one task

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Descriptive Writing Task - on main page of the blog
Jack, Elardus, Josh, Henry please work through these tasks over the term to develop your descriptive writing skills. Do them in the back of your homework book please.

Week 3, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

One box of tissues and a glue stick each please

Novel: Write two new paragraphs and share with me by Thursday morning - perfect spelling and punctuation. If you haven't proofread it I will get you to work on it on Friday at lunchtime.

Mandarin: Translate the sentences from the Mandarin folder into your Mandarin book (you may want to wait until after our Wednesday lesson)

Photo Essay: 2 weeks to complete - Due Friday 
Using Mrs Ward's photo essay as a guide, create a photo essay that truly describes the culture of your family. All captions are to be detailed, as shown in the example.

Speeches: Practice your speech ready to share in Wk4

Learning Sites: Share your site with your parents and get them to comment on it in your homework book and sign it please.

IXL Maths: Own choice of 3 different links (10 of each)

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Descriptive Writing Task - on main page of the blog
Jack, Elardus, Josh, Henry please work through these tasks over the term to develop your descriptive writing skills. Do them in the back of your homework book please.

Week 2, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Photo Essay: 2 weeks to complete - Due Friday 11 August (end of Wk3) Using Mrs Ward's photo essay as a guide, create a photo essay that truly describes the culture of your family. All captions are to be detailed, as shown in the example.

IXL Maths: (10 from each) 
Year 8 - 
1.3 Solve equations with variable exponents
1.4 Exponents with negative bases
1.5 Exponents with fractional bases
1.6 Evaluate numerical expressions involving exponents
P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Descriptive Writing Task - on main page of the blog
Jack, Elardus, Josh, Henry please work through these tasks over the term to develop your descriptive writing skills. Do them in the back of your homework book please.

Julian  please work on your novel to catch up what you've missed

Week 1, Term 3
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Novel: Ryan and Harry only - as you didn't complete the holiday homework task you are to complete two paragraphs in your novel every night this week please. After the second paragraph is completed each night please share it with me so I can check your progress. 

Writing: Tuesday night complete paragraph 2 of your Narrative writing (as set by Miss Kyee after Tuesday's Writing lesson)

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

IXL Maths: (10 from each) 
Year 8 - C.5 Add and subtract integers: word problems, C.7 Multiply and divide integers
Workshop 3 - complete 10 from this one then find a harder one for your second 10
Year 10 - B.3 Evaluate variable expressions involving integers

Descriptive Writing Task - on main page of the blog
Jack, Elardus, Josh, Henry please work through these tasks over the term to develop your descriptive writing skills. Do them in the back of your homework book please.

Julian and Lisa please work on your novels to catch up what you've missed

Week 10, Term 2

There is no set homework this week, however you will need to ensure you are up to date with your Writing and that all of your P/L is completed:
Complete all Writing tasks set by Miss Kyee
Ensure all your Reading is completed by the set times
Maths revision sheet and Ikan revision completed by Thursday's Maths lesson 

Week 9, Term 2
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Article: 10 life skills every child should master by high school
Glue this into your homework book and write your responses in your book as well
1. Identify each of the skills you have already mastered, and provide evidence 
2. Through discussion with your parents, identify what you can do to master the remaining skills. Set goals and work out a timeline so that the goals can be achieved by the end of the year.
This task must be signed by a parent  to show you have had conversations and set goals together where needed.

Everyone who has orange highlighting on their Ultimate Book Report will be completing the tasks they didn't do correctly


Specific Learning Intentions:
To demonstrate your depth of thinking and level of understanding of a novel of your choice
To use the strategies learnt at Reading time purposefully
2 paragraphs
Include the main idea, only include important ideas, use keywords and your own words, use questioning strategies
Leave out unimportant details, no opinion
1. Consider all the main characters and provide evidence:
Protagonist: central or main character in the story
Antagonist: force that opposes the central character
Static: a character that does not change significantly
Dynamic: a character that changes significantly
Round: a complicated character that has many sides and emotions
Flat: a simple character that demonstrates few traits

2. Choose 2 characters. Illustrate them, surround them with character traits that describe their specific characteristics and provide evidence from the novel to support each trait (an example of my expectations is in the classroom)
Point of View
Identify the narrator’s point of view - does it vary between chapters
Provide evidence to support your opinion in the form of examples or quotes.
Identify the different types of irony used within the novel (at least 10 different examples). Provide detailed evidence.
Figurative Language
Find at least 20 examples of figurative language:
simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, imagery
State the language feature, along with the example from the novel.
Success Criteria:
  • Complete a term’s worth of work (this is not something that will be able to be completed in a week at the end of the term)
  • Read the novel completely before beginning the task
  • Take notes during reading
  • Collate evidence of each strategy during reading (including chapters and page numbers as reference)
  • Complete the summary, characterisation, point of view and irony tasks by following the brief and providing detailed evidence
Your Ultimate Book Report must be clearly labelled with your name, and the name and author of your novel
You can type or handwrite your report. It must be legible and well presented
Consider the use of tables for order and neatness
This is a written and oral presentation. I will mark your reports from Friday Wk8 and you will be presenting them to the class during Wk9. You will be marked on both the written and oral part of your presentation.

Week 8, Term 2
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Te Reo Māori: Matariki Debate
List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages for New Zealand if the existing public holiday of Queen’s Birthday was replaced with a day to celebrate Matariki. You must explain why you believe this decision would be of benefit to New Zealand.

One advantage is that a public holiday to celebrate Matariki would be an acknowledgement of New Zealand’s first settlers.
Other ethnic groups in New Zealand might demand that their New Year should also become a public holiday, such as Chinese New Year. Where will it stop?

You are the Prime Minister of New Zealand. In no more than 150 words, you must advise your ministers which argument to support and the reasons why you believe this action should be taken, i.e. to replace Queen’s Birthday with Matariki or not. They will be expecting you to give them answers to some possibly tricky questions raised by those who might disagree with your opinion, so consider this in your final advice.
Typed, landscape, size 18, your own font choice

Science: Osmosis/Hydration
To be completed on an A3 sheet of white paper

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

IXL Maths: Co-Ordinate Plane - 10 from each (these do not need to be drawn, only write the answer)
P.1 Coordinate plane review
P.2 Quadrants and axes
P.3 Follow directions on a coordinate plane
P.4 Distance between two points

Week 7, Term 2
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Maths: Excellent effort to those of you who made such excellent progress last week. It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. 

Science: Osmosis/Hydration - Produce
This task is due on Friday Wk8 (you have two weeks to work on it)
You can work in pairs if you prefer but both of you must be present when working on the project. Therefore, you must be able to meet after school at each other's houses or the public library.
To be completed on an A3 sheet of white paper
'Design Problem’ – Students often drink irregular amounts of water during the day.

Dehydration means student focus and learning is impacted and grumpiness increases.

You must develop a prototype that keeps student water intake both sufficient and regular over

the school day to stay hydrated. Students must use design thinking to prototype a solution to

keeping a whole class hydrated. The project has an unlimited budget meaning you can

design a low or a high-tech prototype. Think about tracking water usage, consumption,

sustainability, recycling the same bottle etc. Possible solutions: an app, a wrist-band,

a robot, a transmitting device etc. Choose a solution and begin prototyping. Check that

your prototype means the WHOLE class stays hydrated.

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

IXL Maths: Geometry - Complete the last 3 tasks (10 from each)
V.2 Identify reflections, rotations and translations
V.1 Symmetry 
V.12 Side lengths and angle measures of similar figures   
V.6 Reflections: find the coordinates 
U.11 Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical and adjacent angles
U.9 Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines
U.2 Name, measure and classify angles
U.1 Identify and classify polygons

U.3 Classify triangles

All work is to be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working and mark everything as you go. Rule your margins correctly please and use pencil just like you do in your class maths book.

Week 6, Term 2
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Maths: It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. 

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

IXL Maths: Geometry tasks - extend yourself and consider what your next steps are from your Geometry easttle. Which tasks will assist you the most when completing your Geometry Rich Task?
You need to complete 3 different Year 8 tasks - 10 from each
V.2 Identify reflections, rotations and translations
V.1 Symmetry 
V.12 Side lengths and angle measures of similar figures   
V.6 Reflections: find the coordinates 
U.11 Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical and adjacent angles
U.9 Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines
U.2 Name, measure and classify angles
U.1 Identify and classify polygons

U.3 Classify triangles

All work is to be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working and mark everything as you go. Rule your margins correctly please and use pencil just like you do in your class maths book.

Week 5, Term 2
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Novel: I will be checking everyone's novels next weekend so they need to be worked on every night this week, and be ready to share with me on Friday morning. There needs to be clear evidence of 4 week's worth of writing (the 4 weeks of this term so far). Anyone who doesn't share their novel with me, or hasn't completed an appropriate level of writing, will spend every lunchtime in Week 6 working on it.

IXL Maths: Geometry tasks - extend yourself and consider what your next steps are from your Geometry easttle. Which tasks will assist you the most when completing your Geometry Rich Task?
You need to complete 3 different Year 8 tasks - 10 from each
V.2 Identify reflections, rotations and translations
V.1 Symmetry 
V.12 Side lengths and angle measures of similar figures   
V.6 Reflections: find the coordinates 
U.11 Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical and adjacent angles
U.9 Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines
U.2 Name, measure and classify angles
U.1 Identify and classify polygons

U.3 Classify triangles

All work is to be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working and mark everything as you go. Rule your margins correctly please and use pencil just like you do in your class maths book.

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Week 4, Term 2
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

IXL Maths: Choose 3 tasks relating to Ratios and Proportions.
All work is to be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working and mark everything as you go. Rule your margins correctly please and use pencil just like you do in your class maths book.

P/L: Any work that you feel will not be completed is to be finished for homework please. Limited set homework this week means you will have plenty of time to make sure all set tasks are completed on time.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel.

Week 3, Term 2
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Essay: Wonder Essay - see Literacy for the criteria

Maths: It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. 

Spelling: Complete your group's spelling task. If you don't know the meaning of a word look it up please. We will mark this together.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel.

Week 2, Term 2
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

IXL Maths: 10 questions for each activity
Workshop 1 & 2 - F.1 Understanding fractions: word problems, F.5 Least common denominator, F.2 Equivalent fractions
Workshop 3 - G.19 Divide fractions, G.20 Divide fractions: word problems
All work will be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working and mark everything as you go. Rule your margins correctly please and use pencil just like you do in your class maths book.

Novel Analysis: (both of these task are in google classroom in the Reading folder)
Making Inferences about Julian
Wonder Strategy Focus 1

Patupaiarehe Narrative: Please type your narrative. You will need to make sure you remember to bring your Writing book back to school each day.

Anzac Persuasive Letter: This task is only for the students who did not hand their letter in last week and those who did not follow the success criteria and need to repeat it. All homework tasks are to be completed by everyone.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Week 1, Term 2 
All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Anzac Persuasive Letter: Follow the task on the assessment sheet in your homework book

Anzac Propaganda task: You will need to take home a piece of A3 coloured card to complete this on. Look at the examples in google classroom and create your own piece of propaganda (information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view)

IXL Maths: 10 questions for each activity
Year 8: G6, G7
Year 9: J7, J8
All work will be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working and mark everything as you go. Rule your margins correctly please and use pencil just like you do in your class maths book.

Maths: It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. 

Spelling: Complete your group's spelling task. If you don't know the meaning of a word look it up please. We will mark this together.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel. Everyone needs to work on their novel this week and share it with me on Saturday.

Week 10, Term 1

Mihi: You will need to have learnt your Mihi by next week. You will be presenting it to the class.

IXL Maths: 10 questions for each activity
Choose 3 Year 8 activities to complete
All work will be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working and mark everything as you go. Rule your margins correctly please and use pencil just like you do in your class maths book.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel. Everyone needs to work on their novel this week and share it with me on Saturday.

Week 9, Term 1
All homework is due on Friday morning (no homework book will result in the loss of 50,000 WB's)

Mihi: You will need to have learnt your Mihi by the last week of term. You will be presenting it to the class.

IXL Maths: 10 questions for each activity
Workshop 1 - Decimals D4 Round decimals, Year 7 Multiplication B5 Multiply 3 or more numbers, B6 Multiply 3 or more numbers word problems

Workshop 2 -  Number Theory A5 Highest Common Factor, Consumer Maths M2 Add, subtract, multiply and divide money amounts, M3 Price Lists

Workshop 3 - Operations with decimals, E3 Multiply decimals, E4 Multiply decimals and whole numbers word problems, E5 Divide decimals, E6 Divide decimals and whole numbers word problems

You may try another group's work as well once you've completed your task if you would like a challenge. All work will be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working and mark everything as you go. Rule your margins correctly please and use pencil just like you do in your class maths book.

Maths: It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. 

Spelling: Complete your group's spelling task. If you don't know the meaning of a word look it up please. We will mark this together.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel. Everyone needs to work on their novel this week and share it with me on Saturday.

Share the email below with your parents please:
Here is some info that year 8 teachers should be discussing with their students and also with their families at parent interviews. (pls pass on to them)

The out of zone ballot date is set by the MOE - they have not confirmed a date as of yet - but I am using the 31st august as the cut off as the date is around that time.

The colleges will be going to drop off enrolment forms to their local schools, so if they want an out of zone school you will have to get the parents to chase up the forms. 

PLEASE get your children to also apply for their in zone school, it WILL NOT jeopardise their out of zone application. This is a problem we have every year, where the children who are on the waiting list to get in to an out of zone school and don't get in, so they and don't end up starting a college on day 1. All students will know by the end of september if they are in to the out of zone school, so if they say they are on a waiting list they have more chance of winning lotto then getting in, so make sure they then enrol in their local school.

check out the attached doc on school and their dates and scholarships.
The other doc talks about how we are working with year 8's every year to assist them starting school on the first day of year 9. - we normally have over 200 children in feb who are not enrolled in a college.

Andrea Chauval
Attendance Advisor

Week 8, Term 1
All homework is due on Friday morning (no homework book will result in the loss of 50,000 WB's)

Mihi: You will need to have learnt your Mihi by the last week of term. You will be presenting it to the class along with your Visual Mihi.

IXL Maths: 10 questions for each activity
Workshop 1 - Operations with decimals: E.1, E.2
Workshop 2 - Operations with decimals: E.2 Write a two variable equation: S.5
Workshop 3 - Year 9 Expressions and properties: V.1, V.13
You may try another group's work as well once you've completed your task if you would like a challenge.
All work will be dated and labeled with the correct activity. Please show all your working.

Maths: It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. Use the answer sheet if you're stuck, and if you're still unsure come and see me and I'll show you how to work it out.

Spelling: Complete your group's spelling task. If you don't know the meaning of a word look it up please. We will mark this together.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 6 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which can be added to your weekly times. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel. Everyone needs to work on their novel this week and share it with me on Saturday.

Week 7, Term 1
All homework is due this THURSDAY due to swimming sports

Reading: All short story work will be marked during Reading time on Wednesday. If you don't think you will be finished in time please take your Reading book home to work on it.

Spelling: Complete your group's spelling task. If you don't know the meaning of a word look it up please. We will mark this together.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 4 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which, added to your weekly times, should put you well over the 6 hour mark. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Maths: It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. Use the answer sheet if you're stuck, and if you're still unsure come and see me and I'll show you how to work it out.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel. Everyone needs to work on their novel this week and share it with me on Saturday.

Week 6, Term 1

All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Unfinished work: If you feel you are unable to complete your P/L tasks from Maths and Reading then you can work on them for homework - especially any digital tasks like the Ikan knowledge sheets. If you need to take your work book home please make sure you bring it back to school the next day.

Spelling: Complete your group's spelling task. If you don't know the meaning of a word look it up please. We will mark this together.

Maths: It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. Use the answer sheet if you're stuck, and if you're still unsure come and see me and I'll show you how to work it out.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel.

Biggest Reader: The challenge for everyone is to read more than 4 hours by Friday. Over each weekend you should be reading at least 2 hours which, added to your weekly times, should put you well over the 6 hour mark. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Week 5, Term 1

All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Māori: Please complete the family tree sheet and bring it back to school by Wednesday.

Spelling: Complete your group's spelling task. If you don't know the meaning of a word look it up please. We will mark this together.

Maths: It is extremely important that your learn the maths - it will not become knowledge the first time you do it. Concentrate on the ones you find hard, if you already know the answer it's already knowledge. Use the answer sheet if you're stuck, and if you're still unsure come and see me and I'll show you how to work it out.

Novel: This is an ongoing weekly task. Use new learning from Writing time to extend yourself in your novel.

Biggest Reader: This week I expect everyone to have read for at least 4 hours by Friday. One major way of extending your knowledge and understanding of different vocabulary is by reading.

Buddy Letter: Write a reply to your Rm4 Buddy ready to take to them on Friday. Write it on refill in your neatest writing. Please answer any questions they had and tell them all the awesome things we did at camp

Week 3, Term 1

All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Maths: Let's see who can make an improvement on last week's total. Remember to come and see me if you're stuck. I have put the answer sheet in google classroom if you need to check anything but if you want to know how to work it out you will need to ask - before school, morning tea, lunchtime.

Blog: Show your parents the photos on the blog of all your work. You've completed some amazing things so show off.

Camp: Start getting everything ready for camp next week. Remember to bake some yummy things for morning tea each day. Be organised and prepared so you don't have to do last minute sorting.

Week 2, Term 1

All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Maths: Complete the Maths sheet on Monday. Decide which are your areas of need and learn them every night. If you are stuck on any of the problems come and see me early in the week so you can learn the correct working. To be able to move up to Stage 8 you need to get all problems correct in 3 minutes, two weeks in a row. The Maths is knowledge if you can answer each question in 3 seconds. I will be monitoring your personal success. Aim to show an improvement each week by practicing every night. Good luck!

Week 1, Term 1

All homework is due on Friday morning (no exceptions)

Personality Bag: Find an item that represents your interests or personality and fill it with objects that tell us all about you

Back to School Tips: Share the article with your family. What tips work for you? What rules does your family have regarding homework, preparation for school, behaviour at home and at school? Evidence of your discussion must be written neatly in your homework book.

Blog: Part of your homework is to share this blog with your family and give them the web address so they can check your homework assignments each week and look at photos of your work

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